★ crap ★
Saturday, 20 February 2010

it has really been a long time since i last updated.. haha.. i realise that i start my post with this phrase almost everytime.. haha.. so i am really sorry for not updating.. things have been really crap around me anyway.. maybe not everything.. everything was going up hill when it neared my birthday.. then things got back to normal at the starting of Feb.. everything started going up hill again when CNY came around..

Lets start with my birthday.. :) i am really happy because i have lots of friends to celebrate my birthday with me this year.. i think this year is my best birthday ever in my sixteen years in my life... i thank all my friends which wished me happy birthday and given me birhtday presents.. it doesn't matter if you only sent me an sms to wish me happy birthday or just hugged me or have showered me with lots of presents, i am really thankful for all that you have done for me.. :) almost all the pictures of the presents which you have given me are on facebook.. so if you wanna see what are the other presents i have gotten, go facebook and take a look.. :)

however there is one thing which has made me very touched.. :) i wish to thank all the gym girls for helping me celebrate my birthday. you guys have given me a great surprise.. i didn't expect you all to buy a mini cake for me.. all of you even asked Shen Ru to bring me out to eat just to let me find out.. :) i thank all of you very much!!! :)

the next thing would be CNY.. this year i didn't stay in Singapore to celebrate CNY so i won't have red packets so don't ask me how much i got.. i would just feel really sad.. haha.. but anyway, i went Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou for five days.. on the second of the trip it started to snow.. it was really cool.. i gone overseas for many times but i have never seen snow falling from the sky.. most of the time it is on the floor and it is black.. that type of snow is not really nice.. haha.. i went China and manage to buy some things.. when buying the things i had lots of fun slashing the prices.. haha.. it was really fun.. :) here are some pictures..

haha.. cool right?? there are many more.. i will upload the rest on facebook cos there is like 700 over pictures.. so haha.. no choice.. :) sorry.. hehe..
now that all the festive is gone, CAs are also over.. i can relex for a small little while.. i guess i am almost free everyday during the holidays except friday if i am not wrong.. Ynn you said that you book me.. but i am not sure which day you want so looks like i am booked everyday.. haha.. but if guys want to go out, give me a call.. i should be free. other than doing my YOG stuff, going out with Ynn and training.. ok.. i am just making the list longer and i am not feeling as though i am out to relax.. sigh.. what to do..
ok, time for me to go relax.. i hope i can post again soon.. :) cya ppl around..

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top