★ hoho ★
Sunday, 22 November 2009

Friday went out with Ynn, Melissa, Marie, Lousia and Alina.. it was so fun.. :) first we went to eat KFC.. the place was super crowded... but we manage to find a place to sit.. haha.. we bought our food and sat round talking then after awhile played a game which melissa taught us but no one understood how to play.. even though i understood but i have the knowledge to continue the game.. cos it needs a bit of brain power.. haha.. but the game was kinda a bit weird...

so afterwards we went to buy Melissa's birthday present.. got her a necklace with a person's name engraved on it... i know it is a name but i dunno whose name.. i think it is some one from Shinee... haha.. she is that crazy... if i were her i won't do it cos i know after awhile i won't be so crazy then the necklace would be a bit wasted... haha.. For me, most likely i would engrave my own name on it i think.. cos that is one thing that won't change.. my name.. haha..

after getting her necklace, we walked around a bit.. Marie wants to buy an ipod so we went into one of the shops there to look at the price there... while Ynn and Marie was looking at the ipods, Melissa, Lousia and i were using their computers to go onto the internet.. haha.. and the sales person was just right behind us.. looking at what we were doing.. haha.. and we were on youtube looking at one of the MVs.. haha.. and there was song coming from the computer too.. haha..

after that cos Ynn said she wanted to buy camera so we went to Iluma [think it is spelt like this] to find if there were any cameras on sale there.. but too bad there wasn't. However, we found a manga shop.. and Alina found a Naurto [not sure if spelt like this] costume... we had really lots of fun in the shop.. [sorry if we made the shop very messy.. but i am sure we didn't] after that we went into comics connection...well, not really went into.. i didn't go in only stand in front of the display window outside the shop looking at SS501 and the Korean F4's pictures.. haha..

We came out of Iluma after losing Marie and Melissa like a million times.. everytime we would call them and they would take forever to come out.. sigh.. after what seems like a milllion mins, we left iluma and head over to sim lim square after i called and asked my dad where we could get a camera... then he told me and we went over.. haha..

actually, we wanted to go to Funan but my dad said it was too far away and suggested Sim Lim to me.. so we decided to go there.. haha..

On our way there, suddenly Marie dragged us into Fu Lu Shou buliding and took us to her Chinese tuition centre.. which we all felt very weird.. we just followed without knowing why we went there.. and Marie just brought us there to see her tuition centre..

after we got out of Fu Lu Shou buliding we finally manage to get to Sim Lim Square and we started to hunt for Ynn's waterproof camera... we asked around for a few prices.. and then we bought one for $330... then after paying for the camera, we realise that there was no memory card inside so Ynn had to spend another $18 to buy a 4G memory card... then we also realise that the $330 dollars did not include 7% tax.. sigh... so we actually spend maybe about $400 plus.. sorry Ynn for not asking about the price first before letting you pay..

after buying Ynn's camera, we decided to go to Macs to take a break.. When we got to macs we bought some finger food and sat down to talk while eating.. it is during this part that i feel that i shouldn't let Ynn buy the camera.. cos she began to take out the camera and start taking pictures.. omg.. i think i am the most with the unglam shots.. sigh.. and she even uploaded the pictures on facebook later when she got home... sigh..

oh well.. too bad for me.. anyway, thats my outing with my friends.. :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ outings... ★
Thursday, 19 November 2009

went to bowl.. this is my first time bowling.. so i was expecting me to just waste my money away... haha.. like really waste my money.. but in the end it wasn't as bad as i expected it to be.. but then still not as good as the others.. haha..

sorry Melissa, Marie, Ynn, Lousia, Nadira and Tania... i am so sorry... cos i didn't know whether it was confirmed or not... and that the only day that the others could make it was on monday.. so i had to agree.. i am so sorry... i promise i would go out with you people on another day... but its ok not to see me bowl.. nothing to be happy about.. haha.. most likely you people know my score.. haha..

I went to Priscilla's house today to do our Physic's project.. We didn't know if we were suppose to do a powerpoint slide or just a poster or both.. SO in the end we just decided to do both.. haha.. We started on the powerpoint slides first... when we first started we thought that it was going to be difficult but then we found out that the subject which we are doing on is actually the easiest as it was just what we have been learning after the exams... so we just added a bit more information in and what we know into the slides and looked for pictures... haha.. some of the pictures that we found were really cute.. :)

we think that we have to meet up again on another day to finish up our poster... and i am kinda looking forward to it.. haha.. and this time... MELISSA YOU BETTER TURN UP!! Don't oversleep again.. haha.. you know i was kinda pissed when she overslept and told me that she won't be joining us.. but you better make up for your missed meeting.. haha

I think this week has been kinda eventful for me... i have so many things going on.. and i have yet to finish my homework... i think that this is longest time i take to finish my homework.. E Math is really driving me up it the wall.. oh well what can i do...

oh and my CCA's smarty pants have jsut been born... haha.. i was kinda shocked when two of them told me that they are in 3A.. oh well.. we can make up for the missed out 3A students from my year.. haha..

tomorrow i am going out with Ynn, Lousia and Adeline if i am not wrong.. haha... i must try and finish my homework soon.. :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ hump ★
Monday, 16 November 2009

you know sometimes i really am very annoyed with some poeple.. sigh..

when you sms them with something very important and they take ages to reply you.. you ask them more than 2 questions they completely ignore you.. if ask two questions they only answer one... if you ask 1 question they take forever to reply you.. and everyone knows how annoying it is that you need a reply urgently and you don't get the reply.. i can't stand it..

only when you talk about something that is organised by her she would then reply you with the fastest speed ever.. once you change the topic she would reply you very slowly.. sometimes even take up to an hour..

when you first sms her, she would not reply.. when you ask about it later.. she would just ignore your question and continue with her own topic, which is most likely something which is to her own interest and advantage.. she would never ever sms you about anything else but something to her own advantage...

i really don't like the way she works.. thinking that she is always right.. and not putting the important things first... only thinking about herself... can this sort of people just listen to other people for once..

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ oh yeah ★
Sunday, 15 November 2009

right i almost forgot one thing..


I almost forgot to wish the two of you happy birthday.. sorry i can't keep you people company tomorrow but i don't think you people would miss me..

i don't think the two of you would see this anyway... your house internet has broken down right?? haha.. hope you people get it fixed soon.. :)

hope you people have fun tomorrow... :)

P.S i'll get your presents soon.. i think.. haha.. ;)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Module 2 ★

hihi.. kinda a bit late for me to be talking about module two.. i have been back for a week already.. sorry.. haha.. been trying to get back into my normal life.. module 2 has been mentally draining but there were some parts that were fun..

i still can't believe that we met two members from the Singapore Women Mt Everest team.. so cool.. they shared their experiences with us.. it is something that i would never forget.. :) i think many lessons could be learnt from their experience... sometimes i also need a little courage to scale my own Mt Everest... :) like one of their members, they had to make the right choice and stand up for what she believes in..

Most of the time during camp was spent doing our student initated project. It was very tiring as we had to research on lots of things when we have limited resources.. in the end we also have to do a presentation to some teachers.. i think everything went quite well in the end..

at the end of everything, we had our investiture... it was quite memorable.. but i think some parents were a bit over.. like when the mcs called the parents to pin on their daughters badges for them, they were still taking pictures with their daughters... even when asked to return to their seats, parents were still taking pictures... when asked for one parent to go up, both parents decided to go up.. i think it is just weird.. my parents were a bit over too i suppose.. except for the one parent go up but two went up.. my dad didn't want to go up.. haha.. the pictures were still ok.. haha.. didn't take much.. i think about 3 to four.. haha..

i also saw the famous Eric chef.. i didn't know his daughter was from our school.. he is just like on tv.. that red specs of his on top of his head.. you know he had a very professional camera with him taking pictures of his daughter.. can tell that he really cares for her...

it is a pity that melissa had to leave before we break camp... i was kinda bored without her.. but then thanks to Alina and Isabelle i wasn't very bored... we even had a secret place.. haha.. i think it would hold many memories... after the school has been rebulit i don't think i will see it again... :(

i think i will stop here... continue tmr morning with more posts.. i think it would be about my week and some complains.. :) so bear with me for one or two posts. :) cya ppl soon.. :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ 2012 ★
Thursday, 12 November 2009

omg.. 2012 is like the best movie.. i highly recommand every one to go and watch it... even though it is long, [how can it not be long it is 2h 40min] every moment would make your eyes stick to the screen... hha..

even though this movie is about the end of the world but there are some parts which are really funny.. here are some spoilers , first: look out for Charlie... haha.. he is a nutter but a funny one.. second: look out for the big Russian guy when the characters are in a car in a plane.. haha.. that is one part i would never forget.. haha

there is just one more thing i realised, the date which they set for the new world to come about is is on my birthday... haha.. that is just so cool.. haha.. at first i didn't realise it until i found 27 jan very familar.. haha..

i watched the sneak preview at around 9pm.. it ended at 15 mins to twelve... so by the time i reached home, it is quite late already.. so.. if you people are going to watch this movie be sure to catch an early one is you want to go home before 12... haha..

oh, before the movie remember to stock up on your snackes and go to the toilet before the movie... you won't want to miss the movie a single bit.. it would be a pity if you missed it.. haha.. especially the heart stopping or funny moments... these are all the things which add up to make the movie a must watch.. and not to be missed.. [actually the mean the same thing which is not to leave your seats after the movie has started.. haha]

i strongly encourage everyone to go watch this movie it is like the best... :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top