★ AYG ★
Monday, 29 June 2009

hohoh.. tomorrow i get to go to school late.. it is because our school was in charge of the beach volleyball for AYG.. then we went to check out the place today.. then our teachers were afraid that we would be too tired.. so they asked our principal if we could go to school late tomorrw.. and she said yes!! All this is for the well being of us students.. :)

today.. we saw some of the singapore players play beach volleyball.. i think it is very cool.. some of them are really good.. but some were really relaxed.. dunno whether is it looks are decieving or... haha

one of the players looked like one of the characters from bof from afar.. cos i only saw him from afar.. haha.. Krystal, went and waved to a classmate of mine from afar... but the player's teammate saw and thought that she was waving to the player.. haha.. Krystal completely went and hid her face i think.. cos i only heard about it from Melissa.. hha..

I think AYG is going to be really great.. :) get to meet all kinds of ppl.. :)

BTW, the opening was really good.. so those who performed.. don't freak out.. even theough they gave you ppl some close ups.. haha.. you ppl look abit blur.. haha

kinda tired.. so.. i'll update another time.. :)

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★ Woohoo... ★
Thursday, 18 June 2009

I had lots of fun yesterday man.. haha.. Thanks for inviting me to watch the movie Sharmain.. haha.. It was really good.. I got scared out of my wits.. haha.. I'm sorry for not being able to let your friend enjoy.. She should have talked more.. hehe..

first after training, we went plaza sing to get tickets for Kim Lim and Shi Ying so that they can sit next to us.. in case someone else bought the tickets.. haha.. so ks right?? haha typical singaporean.. haha..

after buying the tickets, Ching, Kim, ShiYing and i went to eat lunch at burger king.. haha.. Stop lar shi Ying can even forget what she doesn't like to eat.. if she didn't like the mayo.. she could have just ordered the burger without it.. she can even forget that she doesn't like the mayo... Haha.. Luckily i remembered mine.. haha..

after eating, we went to change out of our school clothes.. then we went to the arcade to play.. haha.. so fun.. we played the basketball shoting game... it was like Kim and i one group then Ching and shi ying one group.. haha.. kim and i lost.. then ching and shi ying has a third round so the four of us played one machine and tried to beat the high score.. but too bad we didn't pass that round.. haha.. after that, shi ying and i played the drum set.. cos it was my first time playing i was really bad at it.. Shi Ying really defeated me really badly.. sigh.. oh well. haha.. it was my first time.. but all that matters is that i had fun.. haha. After we play finish, kim and ching went to play racing.. haha.. kim is just like me.. can't drive car.. haha.. i think next time the both of us don't even bother going to take driving test. haha.. after that we spent our last token playing some stupid game which i don't understand the purpose.. haha.. we were just throwing some stupid balls at a screen.. we paired up again.. the same pair.. this timer kim and i won... haha.. really cool right?? haha.. we met up with Sharmain and her friend, then we went around walking..

we walked to all sorts of places.. we went orchard central.. haha.. there were no shops there.. we were just playing with the lifts and escalaters there.. going up and then going down.. haha.. we took the super long lift and took around 2 pictures? haha.. my phone was flat so i couldn't get the pictures from Sharmain.. So Sharmain: SEND ME THE PICTURES!!! hahaa... Then we went to the supermarket there and Shi Ying and Ching bought grapes. they said that the grapes was for later when we were watching our movie.. haha..

at around 3 we started to make our way back to plaza sing.. haha.. then we went to mos burger and sat down and slack around for a bit.. haha.. when it was nearer the time.. haha.. we went up to the cinema to get some food and get ready to go in.. haha.. while waiting for Sharmain and her friend buy some juice, Kim, ching and i leaned against the food bar of gv and watched the people pop popcorn.. it smelt really very nice.. haha.. i kept on saying that i wanted popcorn but i had no money.. so i couldn't buy.. sigh..

I still very high now.. I can't stand it.. Darg me to hell.. So scary.. I tell you.. if you sit next to me, you would have seen the difference in my reactions.. first it would like the yeah, so?? sort of reaction.. then followed by the omg, i don't wanna see but it would be a waste not to see kind of expression where is would be like peeping through my fingers. After that is the i don't want to hear the expression.. where i would use my fingers to close my ears.. the last stage would be the see no evil hear no evil stage.. where i close my eyes and ears at the same time.. the final stage would be using my bag to cover my whole face.. haha..

Well, true to their word, shi ying and ching ate their grapes during the movie.. can you imagine.. Shi Ying or ching eating grapes in a horror movie? haha.. well, it was really funny.. Kim kept one freaking me out with her hoop.. cos before the movie she told me later during the movie i would see her hoop move.. [she placed it leaning against the front seat] so when the movie started, i saw the hoop move and i got freaked out.. haha.. then kim told me it was because SHi Ying kicked the hoop so it moved.. haha.. i thought it was only once but Shi Ying kept on kicking it and it kept on freaking me out..

that movie was really freaky.. then the next movie which i would be watching is harry potter 6.. haha.. can't wait!! :)

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★ Finally!! ★
Saturday, 13 June 2009

Haha.. Finally.. I managed to fix my blog.. haha.. yea!! Haha.. Really happy with myself.. Haha..

Training yesterday was really relaxing.. Haha.. But very little people turned up.. I guess there is the good and bad points of people not turning up for training. Good points: It is more relaxed.. Coach is really cool.. we can laugh.. and do lots of weird things and she won't say anything much.. maybe even play with us.. haha.. too bad for those who are not there.. haha

Bad points: well, the atmosphere is really very weird.. so little people.. when there is no noise it is very scary... you can even hear people's foot steps.. and mind you we are barefooted.. haha.. A bit scary.. haha..

I am really happy.. i stayed up last night.. to help my sister do her blogskin.. haha.. And i can say that she is really happy.. she better credit me or i will skin her alive.. haha.. maybe not.. depends on my mood.. haha.. i can now use this to threaten her once in a while.. haha.. if her friends don't like her blog skin it is her problem cos she is the one who chose it.. haha

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★ blogskin ★
Thursday, 11 June 2009

haha.. nothing to do.. and i decided to change my blogskin.. i think this one looks good.. haha.. maybe i might change it again when i am bored. haha.. :) so if you guys think this one does not suit me.. haha.. bare with it.. haha.. otherwise you can flood my cbox.. haha..

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★ Random ★

hoho.. Nothing much to talk about.. Just want to blog.. Haha.. I think i am going to be very busy starting the 27 of June. haha.. I can't wait.. but i hope that i would be able to cope with my school work.. haha..

you know sometimes, i feel so felt out.. like some of my friends would be talking about something then i would not know.. sigh.. then i would feel really left out.. sigh.. Well, it can't be helped.. you can't always know everything.. If i know everything then i would be a know-it-all. by then maybe some people won't like you cos you know too much.. haha.. oh well..

I really feel like changing my handphone ringtone.. but i have only changed it for like 1 month? haha.. oh well, i think this is like the shortest lifespan of a ringtone which i have.. haha.. what should i change it to?? anyone any suggestions.. but if it is songs, please be chinese. haha.. thx..

haha.. i am really bored now.. nothing to do.. just randomly typing away.. haha.. i have training tomorrow again.. haha.. i think i will be bored during training again.. sigh..

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ blah blah ★
Wednesday, 10 June 2009

hello.. hehe.. nothing much happen since i last posted.. haha.. i just went for more training.. and trained more.. looks like i would be doing Optional again next year.. a bit bored.. sigh.. but i think after awhile i will get use to the idea.. i thought that i would be doing something else.. but i guess not.. sigh.. oh well..

last saturday went flag day with Kim Lim, Shi Ying, Shen Ru, Charmaine and Carina.. the sec 3 actually don't need to do.. but because of the sec 2 they have to complete their NYAA and they are unage so we decide to help them.. see we are so great.. you sec 2s should be grateful.. haha.. we sec 3s are such great people. Flag day was really fun.. haha.. We went to Chinatown first.. We split up in pairs and i paired up with Charmaine.. haha.. we stand outside macs. and we kinda blocked the way. So it was like.. you wanna cross?? pls donate.. haha..

Nowadays, i am going crazy about Hana Yori Dango.. Well, that is the orginal name of the show that is in the hots now.. haha.. If you really want to know what show.. go find our yourself.. haha.. i read the comic, i am not watching all the different types of shows.. There is the Taiwan one, then the Japan and the Korean one which is being broadcasted on Channel U now.. Haha.. I guess, you people have an idea what it is.. I think the Jap version one is like super fast forward.. But i guess, some of the characters are like ok.. haha.. My sister and i have been comparing which one is the best.. But no conclusion yet.. haha

Today, went for training.. hehe.. My teacher asked if any of the sec 3 wants to perform for NDP.. then my friends were like want to go?? Haha.. Then i said.. if you go i go.. then in the end, we decided that the four of us, Shen Ru, Gwen, Delcia and i should represent the sec 3s. haha.. I hope i get to do it well.. i don't want to make a fool out of myself.. so if you can.. look out for one of us.. haha.. :)

P.S: Sorry Sharmain, can't go with you to the movies.. so sorry.. let the instant noodles be the repayment.. haha..

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★ free cone day ★
Tuesday, 2 June 2009

My first ice cream for the day looks great right?? Haha.. Even though i ate it already.. haha...

These are the pics which i took on free cone day. haha.. Sorry for the late pics.. i went with Jolin, Ching Yi, Kim Lim, Shi Ying.. haha.. really fun.. We had lots of fun.. We even ate 2 cones.. well, it is free.. as long as you have the stomach to eat.. why don't you eat it?? haha.. :)
Thanks gals.. I was really happy. :) Thank you for giving me such a great time.. I will never forget. :) maybe after i graudate, we can meet up and eat free cone again.. :)

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★ food recommandations ★

haha.. not sure if it is considered as a food recommandation.. A while back, my family were shopping at the new shopping centre call Tampines 1.. hhaa.. and we ate our dinner there.. haha.. I think the food is great.. I couldn't eat finish everything.. sigh.. wasted right?? And it was my favourite chicken wings. :( Well, here are some pictures of what my family ate that day.. :)

Haha.. Looks delicious.. I am hungry again.. Haha...

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★ Happy!!! ★

Whoooo... haha.. so many things have happen.. Sorry for not blogging.. haha..

The last time, i talked about my competition.. Too bad i forgot to take some photos.. I think all of us look great in our leotards.. Haha.. Really happy.. If anyone wants to take a look at the group routines, can click here.. Da ji Ti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t845d4I_9rE&NR=1 and Xiao Ji Ti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9zgJFwRb-Q

Xiao Ji Ti manage to get second! Really happy for them!! haha.. Now that i watch the videos again, feel so happy.. Haha..

After the competition, i was caught up with my studies. :) I so guai right? haha.. It was exam time soon so i had nothing to do but to study.. haha.. i think i did well for my exams like double As?? Haha.. Cool right? Really happy.. The only thing is my English... C5.. I can't believe it.. I guess it was my CA1 which pulled me down.. But still really happy... :)

After the exams i have a bit more free time.. :) I went out with Grace, Si Jia, Mariah to watch Night at the Muesum 2.. Haha.. Really very funny.. I loved it.. Too bad Sheryl can't come.. She was suppose to come with me but her mum suddenly didn't allow her to go.. So she couldn't come with us..

Oh.. and there is great excitment waiting for the sec 3s when school reopens.. The sec 3 are going to be volunteers for the first AYG!! Yeah!! I can't wait.. Haha.. Really happy.. I actually wanted to do YOG but then my mum said that next year is o level so i can't do.. But luckily AYG came along.. Haha.. I am so excited.. Just thinking about it makes me want to move around.. Haha..

Yesterday, went to Si Jia's house to give her a surprise birthday party.. haha.. Claudia, Trudy, Nadhira, Grace, Sheryl Ng, Contessa and Rosebella were also there with me.. :) We bought her a cake.. When we reach her house we realise that Si Jia's mum actually already bought a cake for her already.. and it was a big one too.. Alot of us bought chocolates for her.. and both cakes are chocolate... So.. haha.. Si Jia you better get ready to exercise more.. haha..

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