★ tired ★
Tuesday, 25 November 2008

two days of training in a row is really not a joke.. It is like super tiring.. Some more coach has mood swings... Some thing that you better not get caught in it.. Sigh. I can't seem to do my things properly when i have a) no mood and b) tired.. Seeing that i am both today, i just can't seem to do anything right.. I think i spent half of my time slacking away.. Sigh.. I tried my best but she just can't seem to get it that i am tired. Sigh..

Slacking is just my thing when i don't feel like doing anything. Haha.. Bored to my bones. At least tomorrow i don't have training and i can just slack away.. Haha..

I don't really feel like going for training on thur.. I just wanna stay at home and sleep... I think this is one thing that i will always feel like doing.. Haha..

I hope that there won't be training during the holidays. Sigh.. i think i better stophere before i whine some more.. Haha.. bb..

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ nothing is more tiring... ★
Monday, 24 November 2008

busy week man.. Maybe.. Haha.. Not sure cos the week has just started.. I think i would be busy.. Haha.. Anyway, going to have training like 4 times a week. I think is a lot but a know a part of me thinks it is really little cos other schools i bet is training like everyday. Sigh.. I think our school is really slack. I don't know how we are going to get through next year. We are a bunch of slackers. Even i say so myself. Haha.. Though i feel bad about it. But it is kinda true.

Anyway, i am now worrying about things which i should not even worry about. It is not even my job yet i am worrying about it. Sigh. Worrying about this worrying about that.. Life is really bad.. So much things to do..

My CCA outing is just round the corner and i haven finish preparing for it.. Sigh.. Then the CCA exhibition, must get ready the boards and everything. Think about what to do to promote my CCA. Sigh..Dunno what to do.. Still need to get the materials for the gift for the sec ones.

Still need to ask my members about the attire for next year competition.. Also must find out the cost of the slacks for the training attire. Sigh.. So much to do. Some times wondering if my captain only knows how to play..

Anyway, can't entirely blame her.. Maybe she have lots of things to rememeber too.. Like her personal things. Anyway, i must thank Sheryl for reminding me all these things. It was while reading her blog that i suddenly remember that i have all these things to do..

Maybe i can ask Gwen if she can flow me to buy the things for the CCA exhibition. Looks like the money is going to come out of my own pocket. This year's CCA exhibition was a total wreck. Mainly it is because out teachers in charge didn't tell us anything about it.. Sigh.. Next year's i wanna give it my best. Haha.. :)

So many things to do, so little time. Sigh.. Anyway, got to try and get my exco together and do some stuff. sigh.. and Gwen is going overseas this friday.. Sigh..

I think i will stop my whinnings here.. Thanks for reading and maybe wasting your time. Sorri.. Haha.. BB

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ lala ★
Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Feeling ok.. Later i am going to watch movie so i don't think i have the time to blog so i blog now. At least i work on my promise to tell you about my class allocation. Haha..

My worst fears have been confirmed. My clique is not in the same class as me. Ahhhhhhhh. Well, to me it is not a surprise.. Judging that both Sheryl and Rebecca have chose triple science as their first choice and they did well in exams. So it comes as no surprise when they are in the same class. Sigh.. Looks like they are going to have fun without me next year. Haha.

At least i have Melissa to be in the same class as me. I think she is taking the same subjects as me other than the elective. Marie is too. Haha. Together with some others that i know and i can get along with. haha. I think that is the plus point.

Christina said she wanted to be in the same class for maths with Sheryl, Rebecca and i but i think she got more than she wished for. Haha. Not only has she got Sheryl and Rebecca in the same class for math if it is banded, she also got them in the same form class as her.

Well, based on the results that has come out, i think i would be ok. Haha. However, i am really upset that i can be in the same class as some of those that i want. But sometimes things cannot be forced. Haha. What must come will come in the end.

Well, after this, nothing much to look forward to when returning back to school during the holidays. I think the only reason for going back is buying books and training. and nothing else. I wanna look for job but according to my sis, you must be at least 15 to work. For me that is only about a month and a bit more. Haha.

Well, i think i will stop here. Maybe will post more tomorrow. But don't get your hopes up. Haha.. Toodles for now!! Haha.. ;)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ hoho ★
Sunday, 16 November 2008

Oh, i am so happy.. Not exactly happy. I am just how do you say this.. Contented with what i have just gotten and what i have. haha..

I went to the book feast yesterday. Haha.. I was almost begging my parents to go. My eldest sister wanted to go to expo for the food fair. She kept on saying that there is no ERP there and then when we buy things there are special offers so we would save money. But i kept on telling her say that there is no ERP but the parking fees there is more expensive. It is like not paying for something and paying extra for something else.

So whenever she brings up that slogan i contridict her and talk about the parking. Haha.. In the end, we went to chinatown and walked around for quite sometime. Then at around 5pm, we left the place and finally my parents said that we go for the book fest at Suntec city. Haha.. Even though my sister didn't want to go she was still quite happy about going there.

There i manage to pick up a good bragine. I manage to by The Lord of the Rings are three books combined into one for junst 12.90. Cool right? I saw there that they sold one book for around 11 dollars so think that i am really lucky to pick up such a good price. Haha..

My mother also bought for my a rubric cube. You know those that you have to turn and try get all the faces to be the same colour that thing. Ya, my mother bought for me. My sister later asked her why and she said it was because i kept moaning that i had nothing to do at home except using the computer. Haha. What a great excuse!! Well, at least i have something to do now.

Recently, a night market has opened just down stairs my house. So cool.. All the food that i have been looking for, is downstairs. Haha.. loved it!! I only went downstairs to look at the food only. Most of the stores sell clothes and things like that. very few stores sell food. That is too bad. The thing that i go down for is the food. haha..

my sister has just found out about a new version of MSN. It is really cool. It can sign you in at two different computers. Each computer can sign in two different person. So cool right? Not only that, it can show your contacts what you are doing. I am not saying about what songs you are listening to but also like if you are watching tv or surfing the net or something. Haha. Previously, your contact name can only be seen in black, now it can be seen in colour!! I am just loving this new version of MSN!! Haha!! :)

With all this excitment, there is also a bit of nervousness also. Because tomorrow, i would know which class i am going into. I don't think that i would be in the same class as my clique next year. Unless becky takes her second or third choice. But i that is not likely. And speaking about this i feel like scolding someone by the name of Sheryl Ng. If Sheryl you want to know why, ask me when you see me next time. That yould most likely be tomorrow or Tuesday.

Well, i know. I feel like scolding some people but some people feel like scolding me. Haha.. I bet no one knows what that means except the gymnast.. Haha.. I guess this is our private joke.

I think i have written/typed enough. I think i would blog again tomorrow, to tell you people about my class allocation. Please don't be shock ok? Haha.. My choices are not what you think i would choose.

So i think thats all i have to update. Haha.. :) I hope that i would blog really soon. Bye!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ update ★
Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Erm, for those who have seen my links. You would have noticed that i have lesser links now. This is because i have deleted those who have not been posting or that they have deleted their blog already. If you would like me to link your blog, then please leave a tag behind...

This sounds so professional.. Haha..

And Sheryl, i have linked you already.. And i updated.. Haha.. Beat that!! Bleah...

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ depressed ★

today super depressing you know... and tiring too.

training is super tiring.. Coach super tax on me.. I might break down soon i think.. I think i broke down quite some time ago.. but you never know.. People might just break down and get on their feet again and break down again. I think i am one of those people. You never know.

Now back to my training. i just cannot do and shse tries and force me and give me that look.. Sigh.. Super depressing you know.. Sigh..

THen after doing my own routine, i have to help the big group to do theirs too as they have one person short. I guess it is just my luck.. I kinda like that but it is very tiring. And when they don't need me anymore, they would just dump me aside and coach would just ask me to do my own things which i just cannot do.. Sigh..

Well, other than that i think that i am happy with my life. Haha.

I can't wait to watch movie.. i really want to watch Bolt.. looks nice.. the dog very cute.. And Sheryl one more thing, the vochers are not with me!! I must put it in bold so that Sheryl Ng can take note.. Haha..

You know, my holidays are like a bore.. I go for training. When i come back i use the computer, i dunno what to surf for. Sigh.. Sometimes i think having to go school every day is better. Sigh..

Next week going to find out class allocation.. I think i am going to miss almost everyone from 2C. Sorry to put those words in bold.. Need to stress on that point. That is what bold is for anyway. I am not trying to be mean or anything. I am sorry if i hurt anyone's feelings.

Anyway, if you people have any thing that is worth me checking out, tell me and i might.. To kill my boredom. Ok, i think i blog enough. this way, someone would not say that i never update. That person better be careful that i might mess with her blog.. Haha.. Kidding.. Bye!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ hoho ★
Saturday, 1 November 2008

haha.. Holidays have been just boring.. I really want to do something.. But i just don't know what..

I just remembered.. I promised you ppl that i am going to tell about my trip to Batam.. But i don't really feel like tell now.. Maybe some other time when i feel like it. Haha..

Anyway, i think that the two serious things that i have done so far during the holidays is going back to school for trainings and helping Sheryl with her blog.. I guess thats all and the rest of it is all relaxing things. Haha..

I must tell you that helping Sheryl with her blog is one damn tiring thing. I can tell you why.. If you ever visit her blog, you will know that it is super plain.. Though it may be plain it is not that easy to do everything..

Firstly, it is because that Sheryl wants everything to be just right.. I must say that she wants everything to be prefect.. I don't mind that at all. But the problem comes when she is not sure on how to do it.. Thats where i come in. The person that she seeks help from is me... Haha.. And sometimes i am too lazy to answer her questions. Haha

Anyway, it is not that i am completely unhappy or anything. When her blog is up and running, it is partly my help too.. So i am quite happy that i can be of help to her. Haha.

Mind you Sheryl.. You owe me one. If don't repay me, i am going to tear down your blog. Don't forget, i know your password.. Haha.. Just kidding. I won't tear down her blog maybe i might just do a bit of editting to make it look better. Haha. ;)

I think i have done enough of blog for today.. I might blog more next week. I can't wait for the NZ girls to be back. :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top