★ Good Friday!!! ★
Friday, 21 March 2008

Such a great day.. First of all there was no school and i get to sleep late
but not too late anyway cos i went our with my family... Let me tell you about it
My day was very exciting.. Haha!!

First thing in the morning when we went to set off, we went to eat
breakfast first... We went to Eliza Mall.. It is somewhere near my house.
I ate alot dim sum there.. The dim sum there the pau is extremely big.
There is also a food review on ieatishootipost.. Here is the link: http://ieatishootipost.blogspot.com/search/label/Dim%20Sum The post
is dated 28 September 2006 so you have to really scroll down... If you
ever go there dun ever forget to try the soya bean at the end of the row..
The drink is made freshly.. It is both made and sold on the spot.. Next to
the stall is anothermust try.. It is the noodles stall.. It is really tasty and it
cost only $2.80 per bowl and after eating it you would be really full.. Even
my sisters say so dun you think it is really a big bowl?

So back to my day... After eating breakfast, we went to Kranji once again...
First we went to buy goats milk.. Only my sister went down to buy... You
have to be early or the milk will be sold out.. The milk is squeezed on the
spot and sold.. If you are interested in feed ing the goats you may also buy
some grass and do so when visiting the goats... There is a Kranji shuttle bus at the mrt
and it will bring you to other places to visit...

When my sis came back with the goats' milk we continued on our road and
went to Qian Hu once again... Like i said in my previous post, there was like
a pond there to dip our feet into.
This time i didn't do that when i went there,
instead i go for the famous past times of adults longkang fish catching.
charges is $5 per half an hour... With the $5 dollors comes a net and a small
tank... After paying and receiving the equipment for battle, i started the battle
with the fish... I picked a spot where i thought has the most fish and started
catching the fish... I didn't had much luck at first but i soon knew the way and
started getting lots of fish... After my half an hour was up i went to return the
net. You may be wondering what we are suppose to do to the fish... Well, we
took the tank and fish outside.. Just directly outside and let a guy help us put
a fish in a bag and put oxygen in it... Yep your right, you get to bring back
home the fish to raise it.. If you think that stops there then you are wrong!!
You also get to go home with the tank too.. To put it simply, you get to bring
home the fishes and raise it up!! :)

Soon after getting the fish, we went to a fish farm but this time this is not the
fish that you keep.. This is the type of fish that you eat... Yep, eat... I get to
watch how the people weigh the fish...

We didn't stay there for too long though.... Hehe... Next stop after that is a a small cafe... There is a samll farm behing the cafe.. For that part you need to pay an addmission fee of $2. There are a total of 12 plots of land for you to descover... There is something different in each plot of land... But beware... you may see this sign:

I alos found the mushroom growing on the log while walking by it... As i said, there are 13 plots of land for you to walk there... One of the plots is named: Go Bananas... Cute name right?

After leaving the cafe, we went to a vegetable farm where they grow their own vegetables and sell it there.. The vegetables there are quite cheap too... Its lesser than the vegetables that you buy at the market... Even though the place vegetables, i realise that lots of people bring their pets there.. While i was there i saw 2 dogs.. Even though they look the same, they are two different dogs.. Their faces are different...

Look carefully... There are also birds around the place.. One of the birds could even talk.. Howver you must repeat the word to it nicely or it wouldn't talk... I found that out when a boy shouted at it... The bird didn't even bother about him.. But when another person was talking to it nicely, it talked and did excatly the opposite... This shows that even animals have feelings too...

That was the last station for Kranji...

However that was not the end for the day... :) After leaving Kranji for the day, we went to Causeway point which was quite near the place.. We went there and walked around.. [I also bought 3 birthday presents] and waited for the time to pass. At around 5.30pm, we made our way to swensens. We ate there for a special treat.. We were all very happy. Especially my father... Look at how happy he is when eating the ice cream...

The ice cream that we ordered was called Froasted Chocolate Melt... It was like the best ice cream in the world.. You people should really try it... This is how it looks like:

After finish eating our dinner, we went to the supermarket and headed home.. That ends our day... :) It will be a day that i will never forget... :)

P.S Sorry for the pictures that are not in the correct way. Pls bear with it. Thanks. :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Finally!! ★
Saturday, 8 March 2008

Hello.. Long time no posted!! Haha!! I just came back from Malaysia just about 10 hours ago.. Haha!! I love the camp so cooll... The instructors were the best of the bast no can beat them im sure about it... Let me fill you in on the camp...

Day 1: First we assembled in the school. After that, we set of for the customs. After the customs we changed bus and travelled all the way to the camp site.... Haha!! When we reached they campsite, we went to the canteen with our bags and ate lunch first. Lunch was not in a box instead it was in the brown paper that is used when we buy take away carrot cake. The brown one... So after eating we took our bags and went to our tents and put our bags. We also took some clothes and went to change in to wet atire. However, it started raining so we couldn't do anything... Instead we went to the tent next to the canteen and start preparing for our campfire preparation... However, we didn't do much.. [2C has lots of cliques one you know...] Soon after the rain stopped and we begin to go for our activities... Lots of the things we didn't do cos of the rain.. After the rain we went to do some team dynamics.. It was so cool.. We played rebirth where there was a tyre and you had to go through the tyre's circumference. Without touching it... The tyre was above the ground... like 50 cm i think... I was the first to go through for some weird reason... Haha!! After completing that, we went on to do balancing.. It looked something like this... Sorry my drawing is stupid...

We had to have the whole team balance for as long as possible.. Our instructor told us that the longest was 2 minutes.. Wasn't that long and we stayed that for around 7 seconds only... After playing this game, at the next station, i was not allowed to talk anymore.. Because i talked too much in the last two stations... Haha!!

After playing we had to go in already cos it was raining again. At the same time we went to bath and have our dinner... :) Due to some of our tents were flooded with rain water, we had to go to the resort and sleep in their conference room and games room... [Did i tell you the camp site is linked with a resort for the public?] We ate our supper and debrief and went to sleep...So thats day 1...

Day 2: We woke up in the morning and ate our breakfast... We got ready our things and went to assemble and got ready to trek up Mount Pandi.. [I think it is spelt like this..] We spent the whole day trekking up the mountain... When trekking up the mountain, it started rain but we continued up the mountain.. Then we reach a cliff, and we had to climb it up to reach the peak, all by ourselves without any help from at all... When we reach the peak we found a place and started cooking our lunch... However it was still raining when we started the fire.. Luckily we have someone who is from girl guides to help us start the fire.. In order for the fire to start, we had to have an umbella over it in order to keep the rain our.. As we have a limited number of umbellas, a group of us used ponchos instead.. Pityful isn't it.. Our food inside even have some small leaves... and we still ate it.. Haha!!! [Luckily, none of us had food poisning, after eating.] After eating, we went down the mountain.. When going down the slopes for muddy and slippery and slip and fell like around 7-8 times.. Haha!! It was actually fun to fall down.. Haha!! When we finally got back to our camp site, instructors told us that we were not going to sleep in the tents and conference rooms but instead in the chalets.. Haha! So we gathered our things and went over to the chalets to sleep.. We had supper and debriefed and we went to sleep... So thats day 2.

Day 3: We woke up in the morning and went down for breakfast... After breakfast, we went over to the campsite to do some activities... First we did traverse [not sure how to spell].. My instructor dared me to go through the thing under 5 minutes and i took the dare and i did it.. He later gave me ice cream and i enjoyed it alot... This is how it looked like, i mean the travese.. Not the ice cream.. My instrucot also dared other people but they thought he was just joking thats all.. So they didn't get it.. Haha!! After playing, we played platoon.. It was another fun game that we played... There were two teams on each side and each team had to get arcoss to the other side... In the end, we didn't get over to the other side.. And i fell twice into the water... After playing all this, we went back to the campsite and ate our lunch.. After eating we had campfire practise. We got ready a show for camp fire... Though it was a last minute thing, i think we did it quite well... After doing camp fire practise we went and did rafting.. Rafting that time, we bulit a raft and tested it in the water.. Even though, it didn't work as well as we hoped it to be, it still managed to float though... After that, we went back and wash up for dinner... After dinner, we went over to the campsite for campfire.. Campfire was the highest point for the whole camp.. Haha!! The instructors were so funny.. And we had an instructor who acted like a girl.. We called him Mary.. He was like the funniest.. After the campfire,we went back to the chalet and slept...
Day 4: We woke up and had breakfast and started to packing to go back to Singapore.. After packing we put our bags in the conference room for the time being... We did 2 surveys, one for our school the other for our instructors.. After that, the class went and did a final debrief and we took some pictures.. :) After that, we took our bags and boarded the bus back to Singapore.. We went through the customs and arrive back in Singapore.. And that is the end of my camp... :)
For the whole camp, lots of people got sick and i hope that even thought they were sick i hope they enjoyed the camp... I would also like to take this chance to thank all the instructors and teahcers.. Without them, the camp would not have been possible.. Oh, a big thank you for Ruth and Azman.. Thank you for making the camp so enjoyable. I will never forget the two of you... :) So finally one last thing for you guys... One Azman clap: *clap* whatever... and one Ruth clap: *clap* we love you... :) [Dun forget the actions.. :)] Thank you soooooo much!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top