★ haha ★
Thursday, 31 January 2008

OMG!! Today the house practice was so fun.. We learnt how to roller blade... I never roller blade before so now if i go out i can tell me friends that i can roller blade and all of us can roller blade together.. But i have to do it really very slow.. The instructors were really funny and i almost laughed till i cried.. Haha... You know i think some of the instructors are a bit of a show off... Luckily when one of them showed off, he fell.. And we sort of all laughed.. Hehe.. I feel bad for him...

Lucily for me i only fell on my bud only once and it was really very painful.. By the end of the lesson i got the hang of things... I am really sorry for all the accidents that i caused for example, sorry Nadhria for grabbing your short and cusing you to fall.. I am so sorry.... And one more thing, sorry to Carina, Sheryl and Si jia for abandoning you guys.. I couldn't control my speed thats why i went so fast... Oh... To Rachel Loh, thanks so much for helping me.. To the instructors, thanks so much for teaching my how to roller blade.. I really had lots of fun. THANK YOU!! AND SORRY FOR THE INCONVINCE CAUSED!!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ close i tell you ★
Tuesday, 22 January 2008

hello... Today, i almost got killed... Not exactly killed... Just maybe disfigured... Or something like that.. I just could have gotten injured... Thats all... Its because as i just came out of the science lab after physics, Sheryl, Melissa, Rebecca and i, were rushing to the next class which was Geography... Suddenly, I looked towards my left and saw a window came cashing down... I was the right in front... so i thank my lucky stars that i suddenly stop.. I didn't even know that i stop in my tracks.. Afterwards,when i recovered from my shock, i had to hurry and move to Geography...
The teacher was telling the rest who was there too to move into the shelter [they were not from my class so i don't know them]. By the timei got to Geography, i was by right late for class.. But thanks to my lucky stars the teacher was absent on MC. I sat down with my friends, we were dicussing about the window... the rest of the class didn't know because they had gone on first and rushed to class...
Melissa then asked me why i had stop so suddenly... I didn't know why either... So i just told her that im not sure.. Then she said it was my angels and lucky stars that told me to stop... And its lucky that i listened.. or i would have been disfigured or hurt cos the glass was flying everywhere.. The window landed on the grass patch so no one got hurt.. However so of the glass pieces flew on to the pavement but no one was at the position when it landed.. so no one got hurt.. We are a bunch of lucky people... :)

Well, i think thats enough about the window.. Overall i had a good day. I went to the super market with my faily today and saw this bear and started talking pictures of it.. They are really very cute... :) Here are the pictures...

They are so cute right?? Haha!! :)
Here are some pictures of Sheryl, Melissa and I....

We are such good friends... Haha!! :) Thanks so much guys!! Love you!! [as a friend]

One more thing...

May i know what is?? My dear firends.. Dun take my phone a take useless things... I was thinking what was that ok... I thought it was some monster.. Freaked me out...

Ok, thats all folks.. Im signing of now... Bye!! :) How a nice day and always thank your lucky stars.. :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ ohhhhh... ★
Sunday, 20 January 2008

Nothing much to say... Bored to my skin.. I think thats cos i finished my homework.. Thats why.. and i finish watching the shows that i normally watch.. Haha..

I suddenly relised that lots of my friends are starting to us live journal... Even though i have an account there.. I won't use it that much.. Haha!! Ok, i think thats all.. Bye!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ wooo ★
Wednesday, 16 January 2008

one more thing, Samantha wanted to create a new class blog so we need to vote which blog, Si Jia's or Samantha's, be the class blog... When Samantha comes out with the html, i will tell you guys... and u ppl go and take a look and vote for it.. I want you guys to have a say in it!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ dental ★

hihi.. Just came back from dental... Haha!! So fun... Ok lor.. I kinda enjoyed it... So cool...

When i went there with Melissa, we had to take q number.. So we all crowded around the machine... I was at the back but i got the number first... You know why?? Cos i went in front and just put my ez link card at the scanner while all of them was thinking of how to do it, thus i got my number first.. Haha!! I went in for the dental first naturally.. Haha.. I registered first so i went in first...

Actually i didn't really go in first cos Desiree Lim went in first.. The numbers were not in any order.. I went in second.. Overall it was quite good. Haha!!

I like my dentist.. She was like really nice.. She kept talking to me and asking me how was my day... She asked me if i needed a letter of excuse.. And i said yes.. Haha!! Yay!! Later, afterwards, Melissa and i went home.. but first we went to 7-eleven to get some food.. Before that we went to the HealthZone to get a stress ball for Melissa.. She said that she wanted it..

Then we went to 7-eleven and we saw one of the $1 turning muachine selling stress ball... So Melissa gave it a go and then out came one and she gave me that one cos she didn't like it.. Haha!! Thanks so much Melissa!! :)

After buying our food, we went to the mrt station and then i came back home.. haha!! Thats all for now.. bb!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ yay ★
Saturday, 12 January 2008

Finally, my class has a class blog!! :) Im so happy about it!! Haha!! :)

I got the password and username from Si Jia. So once in a while, i would be posting... Haha!!! :) I am so happy.. i would post as much as possible.. :)

I have nothing much to say... So i will stop here.. The new class blog is http://welove2c2008.blogspot.com/.

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ lol ★
Sunday, 6 January 2008

hihi... I had so much fun yesterday.. haha! I bet i looked like a dope to some of the sec ones.. Haha!! I think some of you may be very blur about what i am talking about... I will fill you in.. Yesterday, was my school's CCA exhibition where all the sec ones came and took a look at the CCAs.

Overall, it was quite fun... I went to school like 10 in the morning... Then we [my captain,quartermaster, and about 3 of our memebers] started to set up the booth.. At first we couldn't decide whether a not to take out the trampoline.. In the end, we decided to take it out but we need some one to help us... So we called one of our teachers in charge.. since she is also in charge of trek and field so she could only come later to help us...

When she finally came, we took out the trampoline... my members were then really excited about [not the cca exhibation] jumping on the tramp for we ahd some time before the sec ones started coming in...

When the thing finially started, we had on of the class.. Later no one came... We were very bored and then started talking.. Suddenly at around 2pm, they all started coming in all together... At first we managed cos there won't many people however by 2.30pm they all started to coming together at the same time. So instead of talking to one class on their own we ever started to talk to about 2 classes at a good...

Many were very happy to try out the tramp... And i am glad to say that many signed up for the trials... :) I was very scared that no one wanted to join... but the results turned out better than i thought... Finally, i would like to thank those that helped out in terms of decorating the boards, taking out the tramp. I would also like to thank the councillors for helping us.. Thanks so much.. I could never thank you guys enough.. If you know who i am talking about and u read this, you can come and look for me and i might give u something in return... This only valid till febuary the 1st... :) Finally thank you.. :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Sigh ★
Wednesday, 2 January 2008

So it is back to school already i suppose.. A new year has started.. Oh boy.. Thanks to my certain grades, i get to see some of my old teachers again.. How nice.. Not... I dun wanna see her.. i think i should say i hate her to the core.. Maybe not that much.. I think this year, i have to stay out of her way and trouble i suppose.. Haha! I better be careful..

anyway, i think this year came of to a great start, Met all my friends again and became hyper.. You should see me today.. I have been like smiling none stop today... And today we got a free period cos we are suppose to have DANCE but then the teacher was not here so get 2 free periods.. Yay!!

This year the periods are shorter from 45 mins for 1 period to 35 mins for 1 period. Its good and bad news though... One period is shorter, and so is my RECESS!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!! I missed my first day of school recess already!! Haha!! How nice is that..

well, there is a new girl in class.. She is ok i guess... Im trying to talk to her but somehow everytime i wanna talk to her we have to move somewhere.. Sigh.. Better try again tomorrow.. One more thing, MARIAH WHY DIDN'TU COME SCHOOL TODAY???? I was wondering where she was today.. I miss her..

Ok i think i stop here today.. BB!!!

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