★ OMG! ★
Monday, 31 December 2007

I cannot believe it.. It is almost time to return back to school!! I dun wanna go back to school... Oh, i have something ask you guys... Does anyone knows how to make a blog skin.. As in MAKE not copy and paste and everything.. Haha!! I ahve nothing much to say.. I am not sure if i want to go back to school or just stay at home.. :(

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ lala ★
Friday, 28 December 2007

The new year is coming.. Haha!! With that means we will be starting school soon... [I dun think i can wake up when school reopens.. Haha!!] I wish to do lots of things.. Like be a good girl this year. [Not like i was a bad one.. Overall, I was a good one.. with bits of misfortune..] I hope that i could be able to help as many people like the sec ones with adpting to a new school.. Haha!!! [Maybe, i can help Rebecca or Sheryl to help out with the sec ones!! :) I would love that!!]

Well, lets not talk about those things now... lets talk about more happy things.. :) I must thank Cheryl Chuah for bringing me to the Christmas show it was really enjoyable.. Thank you so much. :) Too bad the others didn't come.. haha!! the show was really great.. It taught me lots of things..

I guess thats it for the holidays.. The new school year is coming up.. Lots of people are starting to ask me about homework [ya, we still have homework at the end of the year]. I finish up mine quite some time ago.. Im glad i did for if i didn't then i would be able to enjoy my holiday properlu.. Haha!! When the school year starts, i have to study really very hard.. Streaming coming up this year.. Haha.. I gtg work hard.. i am thinking about lots of things that could help my friends study. If you wish to know more, drop me a note in my cbox and i will tell you guys about it in my next post.. :) I think thats all i have to say, bb!! See you in school!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ ello ello.. ★
Saturday, 22 December 2007

haha!! I have not written in a long long time rite?? Haha!! i have nothing to do actually... Recently is Hari Raya, and my parents have brought me to Qian Hu.. It is a place where there are lots of fishes... Im going to try and post a few pictures up.. Haha!! Some of them are really good actually... Haha!! :)

This is a picture of the sting ray that i saw at Qian Hu... Haha!! Cute right?? I said cute and my sis said it was ugly... Haha!!

At Qian Hu there is this 'pond' where there are fishes inside... It is called the fish spa... The fishes inside at said to eat away your dead skin.. My sis went for a go and she said that really works.. The feel is that is very ticklish... Haha!! I long to try it.. However, for half an hour of letting the fish eat your dead skin, it costs $10 and there are additional charges when you want to have more than half an hour. Haha!! They also provide you with towels and slippers so it is ok if you wear sports shoes there...

At Qian Hu, other than just looking at fishes and buying fishes, you can actually feed kois. The koi food is only $1 per packet...There is a pond there for you to feed.. There are also drains there... Not really drains.. But there iare fishes inside and lets you get the feel of catching fishes the old way back in your parents and grandparents time.. Im sure you would have lots of fun and for adults it would bring back great momeries.. Im sure it would... :)

I think i will stop here for the time.. Hope that you guys would be able to visit the place.. It is a place worth visiting.. :) I hope you guys get to visite there before school starts.. See you guys back in school..

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ ello ello.. ★
Monday, 10 December 2007

haha.. Im back my dear friends.. It has been ever soo long.. I miss all of you.. Haha.. Im abit crazy today... Haha... I have been watching videos the whole of the holidays... I am sure bored... Nothing nuch to do... i really wish i could go out and watch some movies.. Haha... I think i will stop here for now.. BB..:)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top