★ hey! ★
Tuesday, 27 November 2007

nothing much to talk about... I am now watching wang zi bian qing wang on youtube.. I realise that i am watching alot of things. haha.. I am bored now.. eating toasted bread and watching videos haha... fun right?? its ok lar... i miss my friends.. i want to meet them.. i miss them lots... Sigh...

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ totally bored now ★
Monday, 26 November 2007

I have nothing to do at all.. Sigh.. Nothing at all..
I told you guys that i am 公主小妹 right? Well better tell you guys something..
The show has only about 13 episodes if you watch it on youtube i think..
Haha!! I went to the official website then it wrote there 10 episodes...
YouTube is slightly longer.. Haha! At least it would take up some of my time..
Each episode is about 7 parts.. So it would take some time.. Each part is about 10 minutes..
so it would take some time i supposed...
It took me about 3 days to watch finish the 10 of the 13 episodes posted up on YouTube.
Haha.. I know it is lame to have a show for only 10 episodes [If it is on TV.]
Too bad it is not shown on Singapore's TV shows. :(
Anyway, i will be trying to do something...
It has got to do with some of the shows that i watch this holiday..
I would be using around 2 shows to characters to make a big show..
Not sure how it would go.. Maybe i would stop half way.. Haha..
Too tired to continue or something like that.. I am always stopping half way..
Haha!! Not tell you which are the shows that i using.. [You would know if you looked at my phone]
Maybe i would add other shows inside as i go along.. Haha..
I cannot promise you anything.. Haha!!
I think i better stop here, Bye.. Talk to you guys some other time. :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Oh my.. ★
Saturday, 24 November 2007

Hello.. I think you guys must be thinking why all my titles dun have anything to do with my texts right?? Well, all my titles really mean what i like.. Haha.. I know i do not make much sense right? I dun know how to explain to you people.. Sigh... I just write comes to my mind.. Well, that is not the point of this post.. Haha...

The point is i have been watching 公主小妹. It is really very nice. Haha... But there really some problems between the female lead and the male lead.. Sigh... I know they like each other but they just can't seem to get it.. Sigh.. Anyway, this show is a really great show.. There is Wu Zun and Calvin.. Haha.. I bet lots of people would go crazy over both of them i suppose. Haha!!

Maybe some people would not but it really is a show that is really worth watching.. Haha! :) Ok, got to go watch it now, bb.. Haha!!

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ blah blah ★
Thursday, 22 November 2007

haha.. I am so bored... Bored is a word to describe what i am feeling now... Haha... I have nothing much to do.. Lala.. Recently i found out a website to play games. The website is www.pcgame4fun.com it is really a great website.. I wasn't as bored as before after playing the games. I remind you some games are really long and you might get bored.. Haha!!

Yesterday, my second sis, Sandy bought a monopoly game for only $10. Can you believe it?? Normal monopoly is at cheapest, $25 dollors but this is $15 cheaper. Can you believe it?? Haha!! She bought it at her school, Temask Polytecnic. Haha!! Cool right?? Ok, i will stop here for today.. Talk to you guys some other time... :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ weird ★
Wednesday, 21 November 2007

haha... Sorry for the blank for 2 days. Haha!! For 2 days only... That is stupid... Today, i do not need to go gym as there is just no gym... Haha!! stupid right?? I think the coaches had something to do at St nics. I know st nic is more important than us. Ya i know that. You dun have to tell me that you know. Haha! I hate it when my coach asks me to go to st nics for training. I am tired you know. I need rest.. Darn her... And she always compare me with Joanna. I hate that!!! It is so stupid. You should compare yourself with yourself and not with some other people. When we go for competition, we are there to sum up all that you have learnt within the year. It is not to compete with other people. I wonder why people always do that.. I hate that!! Err, i am getting over taxing right?? Haha!! I guess i will stop her.. See you guys around... :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ ya ya ★
Monday, 19 November 2007

ello my dear friends... How are you on this fine day... Haha!! This is so weird... Haha... I am very bored... I wish i could do something.. Later today, i will be have my training... I hope it is going to be fun.. I dun want to watch a few people's faces. One would be my white coach face... It makes me really feel uncomfortable... Sigh.. Her face always so creepy... It freaks me out.. She puts on so much make up when a male coach is around like she is going to flirt with him.. Sigh.. She freaks me out of the daylights.. Sigh.. I wish i had a more normal coach...

By the way, i have yet to say something... 'Happy Birthday, Melissa and Marie!!' On the 15 was their birthday. I know that i am slow. Im always slow in this sort of things. Hope you dun mind. Haha!! I really hope to remember everyone's birthday. But i dun think i can. Why dun you guys tell me when is your birthday. If you remember, you might get a present from me!! Haha! That is if i remember.. Sorry... :P That is cos i am really very busy..

Speaking of busy, i realised that when i come to secondary school, i find that i am busier.. Haha.. I suppose that come with the price of being a teenager.. Haha!! So many things to do, so many responsibilties... Haha!! I bet i will have a nervous breakdown when i am in sec 4. Haha!! :) I hope that i will be able to cope.. I think i will.

I hope that the sec ones next year won't feel so stress.. I will try my best to make friends with them. Haha!! I hope that they won't be scared of me.. I would be bad if they are scared of me.. Haha!! Ok, i will talk this much for this post. Haha!! I am talking alot you know.. Haha!! BB..

P.S Remember to visit the Library during the holidays. Holidays can be a great time to revise your work and think what went wrong during the year..

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ phew ★
Friday, 16 November 2007

well, hows that... I cannot believe it!! Last night as i was watching tv, Krystal called me and guess what she told me. She told me that today there is no training and all friday trainings for the rest of the holidays are canceled!! Yay!! I cannot believe it!! I never thought that my coach or my teacher in charge would ever let me off.. Haha!!

So now i am in front of the computer typing away and watching Bleach!! Haha!! I really think this the life that i want. Haha!! But if i have this life for the rest of my life i would be bored to death. Haha!! Im a weird person right?? I want to have a relaxed life but scared that it would be boring.. Haha!! I guess lots of us are like that right?? I guess so. Lots of my friends tell me that. During school days we wish that it was the holidays where we could relax but when it is really the holidays we hope to go back to school and meet up my friends..

Speakingof friends, i am so sorry my friends at Kellock that i would not be able to go back to school and visit you.. I really want to go back but i guess it was just not very easy for me as i live in Pasir Ris. How do you expect me to go back to school?? Huh?? I know you must be thinking: 'If you really want to go back, you would have. BTW, why do you live so far?' Right?? I bet you thats what you are thinking. I admit. It really slipped my mind that today was the last day of school. Im really very sorry. :( I know it is my bad.. Next time you see me i let you beat me up ok??

Sigh, better get back to watching my Bleach. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Cya!!

P.S Remember to do some excerise. If you eat lots and dun do excerise, you would get fatter and fatter. I am sure guys dun want that tio happen right?

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ lala ★
Wednesday, 14 November 2007

hello.. Im back again. Haha!! I have seriously nothing to do except to watch Bleach which my mum does not really like me to do.. Sigh but i still watch it.. I want to watch finish it before school reopens so that i could concentrate on my school work better. I am now rushing to watch it..

today i do not have any gym training as the school needs to use the hall for something so we could not use it thus we cannot train. [Do you think i care what they use the hall for... But it is great news that i do not need to go for training. :P]

So now i am stuck in my parents office. They want me to help them but instead i am watching bleach. Haha. Maybe i should stop at a certain episode for today that is... Haha. Lets set the end at episode number 120?? I am now at 105.. Haha.. That is like 15 episodes. I am still going to make some changes to my blogskin. Haha!!

I am also thinking of making my own blogskin... I really wish to make one by myself but i think it is going to take some time. Anyway, i think i should hurry up and go watch bleach.. Bye!!!!

Note of the post:
It is getting cold and rainy now so wear your jackets and dun catch a cold or flu ok? I will be worried for you guys cos you are all my best of best friends!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ ello ello.. ★
Tuesday, 13 November 2007

haha such a strange tittle. Haha.. Got some really good info for bloggers... If you would like to change your font colour, you can visit this site for the codes.. :) http://neopets.com/~Rantimaru
It may take some time to load it though. :) So please be patient.. Haha.. A test of patience.. Haha. It would be good for Sheryl Ng. No patience one that girl.. Haha!! [No offense, k sheryl??]

Well, yesterday's oral went alright... It was really very good.. The examiner was really funny.. I loved talking to her.. She was very friendly.. I thought all examiners are suppose to be like strict and lifeless.. Haha.. Sorry...

I made a list of things that i want to do for my mother this holiday.. Well, first you must know that my mother allows me to help with lots of her work... :) So this is the list.

1) I will help my mother to write tittles on the excerise books which she needs.
You may wonder why i need to do this.. The excerise books are important as the contain billing charges.
2) I need to write out the codes for various items.
This is for easier reference and to check if the codes have changed.
3) Need to get paper and draw lines. This is for the schdule of our movers.

I think these things are the most important. As for what to do for myself, i made a list too. :)

1) I will finish watching Bleach by the end of this holiday.
2)I will need to finish wraping my books and writing my name by this holiday.
3) I would like to go to the library.
4) Update my blog as often as possible [like what i am doing now. haha!! :) ]

I think this is all... Haha!! I hope you guys like my new look for my blog.. Do you think it looks ok?? Give me some comments. Thanks! :) Gtg now, bb. :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ lala ★
Monday, 12 November 2007

Nothing much to talk about.. I will just write whatever that comes to my mind. Today, i would be having my LAMDA oral communications exam. I am very scared. I dun no know i can make it. My two topics are the A380 and the 2008 Beijing Omlmpics. I am very scared. It is almost as if i am going for my competition. At least i would not be facing only ONE UNKNOWN person. Sigh... My competition at least would have people there and that i know some of them. Sigh... Argg... I hope i can pull through this stupid exam...

there are so many things on my mind now... Sigh... Ok, i think i will stop here for now... I am going to do some last minute research. Haha!! :"/

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ yo ★
Tuesday, 6 November 2007

What up you guys?? I hope you had all your fun during your holidays!!! :) Well, for me its ok... Everyday i do almost the same thing.. Haha!! Well, i got hooked on to Bleach thanks to SHERYL NG WANG FANG!!! Haha!! I had lots of fun at East Coast.. So much fun so little time. Lots of people had to go home at 5.. Poor thing.. Anyway, we all had lotws of fun.. We also had sun burn.. We were as red as lobsters. Haha!!

While for me tomorrow, i am going to watch movie with Shen Ru and Carina. [And Carina
's brother] Carina has 4 free tickets so she invited me to and Shen Ru to go with her! Haha!! That is sooo cool!! I can't wait.. :) Yay!!

During the holidays, i am so bored other. Other than watching Bleach on youtube i have nothing to do.. Sigh.. I really have nothing to do.. Anything you can suggest to me? I really wish you can do a bit of suggesting.. Sigh..

Ok, gtg now.. Meanwhile, pls enjoy yourself. Try and take a look at Bleach. It is really very nice. Bye!!

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Arggggggg ★
Sunday, 4 November 2007

This is freaky me out!!!! Can whoever that is tagging my blog with those weird comments pls cut it out!!! I will smash you to pieaces if i found out who you are!!!! Arggg!! If i have a mental problem becase of you, you are going to get it from me!!!! Im going to have a nervous breakdown!!!! Darn you people!!!

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top