★ yay!! ★
Tuesday, 30 October 2007

I am free...My holiday is now more like a holiday... Haha!! Even though i need to go back to school.. I am not whining... Cos it is fun.. At least i get to see my friends!! Haha!! You know the outings that i told you about?? They changed the date which i organised.. We changed it to the first of Nov... Yay! That means i get to go for training [like that is anything to be happy about]. And still go for the outing!! Haha!! I am so crazy.. Today my friends are going for Escape, I hope they have fun there...

I know Escape is fun and all... I still wish that i get to go... Since no one from my click is going so i might as well don't go... Haha!! Anyway, im not at home so if anything happens to them, [like bad weather...] they can't go to my house!! Haha!! I am not at home for a reason you know.. One. I dun want my friends to go to my house.. Second. I have a doctor's appointment... Haha!!

I am sure that they will have lots of fun at Escape.. Too bad they dun know where is my house.. Haha!! :)

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★ *sobs* ★
Monday, 29 October 2007

I really want to go to Eascap... But i can't!! This just bad.. Just cos i have training... And my teacher-in-charge only allowed me to skip one training this week... And i have two outings this week hows that?? So i have to choose the one that i organised... *sobs* At least i know Cheryl Piay and Sally going to go for the Escape thing.. Sigh..

Wait i have a sms... Give me a sec...

You know what that sms said?? Haha!! They postpone the outing to tomorrow cos of bad weather... Haha!! Though i find the weather just fine haha!! Anyway, i can't go too.. Cos i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Haha!! Too bad.. Guess not fated... I just realised that i do not need to go too.. Though i would like to. I went Escape alot of times but each time going with different people i would have a different feeling... Haha.. I am talking about weirdo stuff... Haha!!

Poor thing.... Anyway, it is not really my problem.. Now, i want to get in contact with people like MELISSA!!! or someone like that.. Haha!! I hope Melissa is going to go for training or i would be really bored.. Sigh...

Ok, gtg now bb!! @__@

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★ hey ★
Sunday, 28 October 2007

It sure is fast... Exams are gone and holidays are here!! :) I just love it!! I made a few changes to my blog and i hope you guys like it!!

I have sooo much unpacky to do now that the exams are over!! Haha!! Well, to start of i need to unpack the stuff i have in my locker which i brought back from school!! Now my table is in a mess..

Mrs Kong is leaving the school and the councillors gave her 72 roses to reprsent her 72 months at St theresa's Convent. Cool right?? Mrs Kong actually cried while she watched a video that was made for her.. Cool right.. It looks like she had so much tears that she could not stop crying. Haha!! Well, maybe it is not funny.. I think that i would miss her... I hope that the new principal would be nice... I really hope... If she is not, maybe i might appeal to MOE to have Mrs Kong transferr back to stc.. You never know!! Haha!!

I guess i would be busy during the holidays for the first few weeks.. I have to go back to school.. And for training.. Can you believe it?? Anyway, my school going to start a new CCA called trampoline.. It is really very fun.. :)

I can't wait for the coming class outing that i organised.. I hope lots of people would be there.. Haha.. My group and i planned for this for a very long time.. I can't wait.. I would actually be skipping training.. !!! I told Mrs Nooh already... And she said ok..

Oh well, can't talk much here.. Bb!! See you guys soon!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ hey! ★
Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Hey!! I really want to go ice skating with Claudia and the others but my mum doesn't allow.. She say it is too far away.. Sorry people!! I will still buy you a present Claudia dun worry. Haha!! I am still having sore throat after screaming at kbox.. Haha!!

I really want to go out.. Sigh.. I can't wait to go out for the class outing... Lala!! :) Haha!! Imagine all the fun we get while playing.. Playing dog and bone.. And stuff like that!!

I can't wait!! Anyway, i just got back my results for English, Chinese and Home Econs. I did alright for my English and Chinese.. But i can't say that for my home econs.. Sigh.. I hope i can even pass for my home econs.. I passed my written one though but just barely.. Sigh..

Ok, i will stop here for now.. Bye!! I think i will be able to blog more tomorrow.. :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ errr ★
Monday, 15 October 2007

OMG!! I am so bored... I have practically nothing to do... Arrgggg... and it is not even the holidays!! What would happen during the holidays???? I will be bored to death... I need something to keep me going... Like going out with friends.. That would be so much better.. I want to go out..To keep me ocuppied... then it would be so much better.. Anyone thinking of going out with me?? Pls say yes!! :(

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ kbox ★
Sunday, 14 October 2007

Oh ya!! From the title i think you guys know what this post is going to be about right?? Haha!! Well, you guessed it!! Its about my first time at kbox!! Haha!! I think many of you would think that it is very lame of me to go kbox for the first time !! Haha!!

Moerover, my first time i go kbox is with my family... Most people is with their friends.. Haha!! We had a really fun time kbox... First of all when you reached there, we choose some songs and started singing. As we got a package, we had meals that came with it... We ordered 4 chicken and 3 fish set as those were the meals of the day. You may be wondering why i ordered 7 sets when i have only 5 family members. The reason is quite simple. It is because my aunt and uncle was there. That is why 7.

we choose some songs and then we started singing. At first we were really calm. then as we slowly got the tempo going we will like all high like we took drugs... Haha!! I recorded some arts we were singing... You should listen to us. We were screaming our heads off. Haha!! And the room is not even sound proof... Haha!! So the next day people could hear us!! Haha!!

We were really happy!! We even sang 我相信 by 杨培按. [Not sure if his name is spelt like this] He is the guy who could go really high pitch.. Almost like a girl's voice.. Haha!!

For some songs, my uncle even changed the lyrics... Haha!! I think it would be if one day, the class could go kbox.. It is really a great experience... Haha!! My mum promised me that we would go kbox on my birthday next year!! I can't wait!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Yay!! ★
Thursday, 11 October 2007

Finally!! The exams are over!! I cannot stand exam stresses. When i get stressed i went sleep talk... That is so bad... Arggg!! I hate it when i do that.. Incase i talk ebout my secrets!! Haha!! What weird do you do when are under stress?? I do lots... Haha!!

I can't wait for the holidays... I have like so many things that i want to do... But i think iw ill get tired easily... I hope you guys have a great time during the holidays!! Haha!! So many things to do yet so little time!! Haha!! @__@ haha!!

I will go bonkers... haha!! No more studying!! Yay!! I want to go out with my friends!! It would be sooo cool... My class are having like 3 class outings.. I want to go for all.. Haha!!

Gtg now guys... Time for me to enjoy my days after my exams!! Haha!! ctch you guys later!! Haha!! Bye!!

P.S Remember to have some rest even while playing!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Exam tips ★
Wednesday, 10 October 2007

yo everyone!! Tomorrow is the last two exam papers!! So let us all work hard together and we will score well together!! Haha!! My last 3 tips for this exam!!

Tip number 7: Being Realistic
U have spent almost 3 quarters of your life in school, so you probably have a good idea what kind of results you are capable of. If you are an average student, it is very unlikely that you will be able to top the class next year. Being realistic helps prevent you from disappointment when your results are announced. The key thing is to do your best!! :)

Tip number 8: Location
Choosing the right study location is very imporatant. Choose an area free from distractions. A productive study location will be able to help you focus better, and u will feel more satisfied with what you have achieved at the end of the revision. Some good places are our libraries, school study lounges and quiet cafes.

Tip number 9: Have a Fall back plan
You have aspirations of studying at Harvard, becoming a top heart surgeon and also having a career in classical ballet dancing but no matter what, have a plan B. For example if you dun get the grades you can consider resting for a year instead of going directly to the polytechnic or JC, and retake your exams to try your luck again. You can even decide to take on an overseas diploma, which you can study at locally or overseas-- it is all up to you. [ This tip may not mean too much to you right now.. ;)]

Right im done with my nine exam tips!! :) Some may not be relvent to you now but maybe it would be of use to you in the next few years... :) Good luck for tomorrow's exams!! After that, let us party for all you want!! I will go crazy... You will see a werider side of me. [Like im not werid now already!!] haha!! Cheers! ~Gd luck to you guys!~


~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Music ★

yo!! I recently added some new music to my blog.... After awhile i will change the music... Everynow and then, i will change the music and put up some new ones!! :) Haha!! ok People?? I think will upload some pictures in this entry... Haha!! im going bonkers!!!

My sister and i at vivo :)
Never seen my sister before right?? Haha!!
We dun look alike right??A lot of people said that before!!
I agree with them totally... Haha!! My sister and i dun look alike one!!
This is a video of fireworks which i saw!! :) Yay!!

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Exam tips ★
Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Part 2:

Tip number 4: Test yourself
Cover up your notes and test how much you have remembered [only those that require memorising, of course!] or get your sister or someone else to help you. testing yourself reguarly help-s you to remember facts better and any gaps or imformation you have missed out can be picked up quickly.

Tip number 5: Asking for help
I think this is the best tip that i am going to give you. There are times when you won't be able to understand a certain statement of formula but there are some great sources of support out there for you. For example, teachers, friends, tutors and maybe your older siblings.

Tip number 6: Past exams
Review past yours' paper either from ten-year-series books, or even from your seniors who have kelpt their exam papers. Take some time to look through your own past year papers. Consider which kind of questions you tend to answer wrongly and where those questions come from. You can even get teachers to prepare mock exams for you or papers from other schools [though students dun really do it].

I will stop here for today. Tomorrow i will bring you 3 more tips on how to revise smartly for your exams!! For now, i wish you all the best for your exams!! Dun forget... Playing is also important but remember to return to your books after you have done paying. I have inclded a section of websites you could go to relax. Good luck for your exams!! ~Wishing you the best!!~


~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Exam tips ★
Sunday, 7 October 2007

Yo, everyone!! Exams are just around the corner [it like tomorrow, haha]. Even though i am still on the net blogging. How nice. If my parnets find out, they would for sure kill me...

Lots of people are really scared of exams. Well, exams are one thing you should be scared of but you cannot be too scared of it. Here are some tips on how to revise for your exams. :)

Tip number 1: Plan your time
two months before your exams are due to start, draw up a realistic revision timetable and make sure you stick to it. to maximise your concentration and attention span, break your 3 hours up into 45 minutes intervals, with 5 to 10 minute breaks in between study sessions. Don't be afraid to revise your timetable if you feel that you 're not absorbing as well as you should.

Tip number 2: revise smartly
when revising, simply reading those long paragraphs of text is not going to help you remember the facts and figures. On a blank peace of paper, write down the important facts and figures. You can even make use of mind maps. The next day when you've come to the end of revision, take out these notes of yesterday and read through once. Do it again 1 week later.

Tip number 3: Post it notes
your memory gets better if you keep seeing the things you need to memorise, so the trick to getting facts right is to keep looking at them. One effective way is to do this is to write some key facts and phrases on some pieces of paper and stick them around the house and your bedroom. try places you often look at. After a while, these facts will sink into you without extra effort on your part.

Ok, i will stop here with this 3 tips. Use them well! XP


~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Interview ★
Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Today, i went for an interview... Haha!! It was like damn funny. At first you were like super scared. But later we relaxed a bit... We had to change out venu from the RR1 to the Therette. Haha..

Next we sat outside waiting for our turn. We werelike talking softly to our friends and stuff like that. Then came the student counselliors [Not sure if spelt like this]. The president, Grace was there too. It was like damn funny afterwards.

She put her bag on the letch which as everyone knows is followed by the roof. Any one who drops anything, well, lets say we know. So Grace put her bag on the letch, and it could not balance, thus it dropped not on the floor but on the ROOF!! Her bag got stuck and she was able to stretch and reach for it. But her file went all the way to the bottom. All the sec ones there stood up [cos we were sitting down] and watched the file go all the way down... Haha..

We got most of her things. Grace herself went down to the HE rooms there and stepped on the slope to get her things. I dun know what is in the drain but her expression tells me something yucky. Haha!!

Later i went to get a closer look [cos i was standing some distance away] and saw that something got stuck. It was near but no one could reach it. Not even Grace. Later, i heard from Grace that the something was a keychain given to her by Gwen from my class... So i told her [not in a nasty way] that maybe Gwen would be angry with her [maybe not. Gwen is not so petty. Right, Gwen??].

We [ Cheryl Chuah, Mariah Lee from 1D (not sure if i spelt your name correctly) and i] Tried ways to help her get the keychain but but we were unsucessfull. [Sorry Grace and Gwen].
So we could only watch the keychain get stuck there. Sigh... But it was a funny sight. Maybe you people should go take a look...

The interview went quite well. The counselliors were there with Ms Sim to interview... They were like damn funny. The way they introduce themselves. It was like some business meeting. Haha!!! I wish you had been there to see it!! Maybe if you know Grace you could go ask her how they introduced themselves... But it really lightened the mood. I think thats the reason why they did this. Haha!! I guess it reallly worked..

During the interview, they asked the normaly questions... Then Grace asked me if i did not become a counsellior, what would i do?? I was shocked at first.. I thought that theuy were hinting that i could not make it... Sigh... After that i found out that they asked other people that question cos Ms Sim said to Grace," You reallly like to ask that question, don't you?" I was relieved that Ms Sim said that.. Haha!!

Overall, i think that the interview went alright!! Haha!! When i was on my way home, i tried to sms my friends, Sheryl and Rebecca... I wanted to tell them about it... And i am disappointed that they did not reply me.. Sigh..

Speaking of disappointment, Gulshan did not turn up for the interview... Cheryl Chuah and i called her and we she told us that she is not going for the interview... Sigh... Her teacher was Mr Francis and the HOD room.

Si Jia's was Ms Quek at the Library's conference room. Elvina's was Ms Vino and also at the same venu as mine and Cheryl Chuah. Cheryl is also with me. The same teacher and venu.. Cool right?? Haha!! I got to go now, bye!! Talk to you guys some other time. :)

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