★ hey ★
Saturday, 30 June 2007

I hope you guys like my photos... Maybe you people may think that my blog is dull... I dun mind what you say... I will try my best to make it look better.. Stay tune...

Next post: About the Milk Run... Stay tune...[ Do i sound like a radio or what?]

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Photos ★

My sisters!!! Which one is Cindy? Which is Sandy?

Here are some photos that i took! See if you can spot my sisters and tell them apart... ;)

My favourite food!!!

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Did i tell you about... ★

Did i tell you guys about the wedding i went to on 24 of June? I dun think i did... Here i go...

Well to begin with the wedding is my cousin's wedding. [Not MY wedding!!] It was ok... Slightly boring thats all.. first when we reach there, i went to the top floor which is the 24th floor. We went there to let the bride and the bridegroom to there elders. You the tridional . And stuff like that. After that, we went to the 1 floor to see the swearing ceremony... You know the part where they say the ' I do' part. That took a bit of time. Cos we had to wait for everyone to come down from the 24th floor. There were lots of people. Some i do not know. Some were from the bride's family... There were some people from the bridegroom's family and i did not know them for i do not really meet them.

After that part, we went to start the eating... This is not the usual type where people serve the food. This is a buffet... We have to get the food ourselves... There were lobsters, oysters, pizza and other great stuff... I ate till i could eat no more. After that i went to the 2nd floor and walk round a bit... After eating you have to digest right? Well, it was time for me to digest my food... So i went around walking with my niece. We talked most of the time... They were a bit boring...

So after all the eating and the talking, it was time to go home... It was a great wedding.. I loved it alot... [Except the part where i had to wait for some people to come down from the 24th floor.]

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ First day in school ★
Monday, 25 June 2007

Today i had my first day of school! I still had this feeling that i am still on holiday. It was quite fun and everything.. Getting back with all my friends and everything.. Talking about almost everything.. One more thing... We dun need to do Geography anymore!! Yay! We are doing history... :P I have this feeling that it is worse!! I kinda miss Miss Lim! I wish she was back! The whole school had to change their timetable.. It is really a bit of trouble... Some people have changed and some not... I hope that it would be a great second half of the year!!! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Phew... ★
Friday, 22 June 2007

Finally the day has come to an end... I was hoping it would come to an end... Well, after yesterday's events... Todays's was better but freaky...

Well, i went for training... I thought that Yi Jing would not come today but i was wrong... I took the lift up and went to the 4th floor... I went up a small flight of stairs... And wham i saw the coach there... I thought she would be there too... Guess i was wrong again... Anyway, i thought the coach would scream and shout at us but i guess i was wrong again... She is plain nice... Too nice in fact... I cannot help but feel a bit uncomfortable... I thought Ms Eileen would come today and scold us but guess not... There is totally no sign of her...

This day may seem good to you people but it was not for me... AND that Melissa did not turn up for training just becaue she has chalet later. If it was for me... I would have still gone cos of my parents and i hate to miss things... I gtg now, bb!

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Bad day! ★
Thursday, 21 June 2007

OMG! My day was just bad... Well, it started out real bad. First in the morning, i could not wake up. [Maybe not a bad thing for you but for me it is just plain bad.] Next my sister woke up late and when she wakes up late, she grumbles alot... And so i have to listen to her grumbles... And as always i go to my mum's office and then my sister started to grumble again. This time my mum was so angry with her that she scolded her and just as bad, my sister shouted back at her.

So i went over to my dad's side and read my book. After awhile i went back to my mum's side... I took out my laptop and started playing... After awhile my OTHER sister came over to me and ask me to let her use my laptop. I let her use till 11am.[I started letting her play at 10.40am]

After that i ate my lunch then started my way to school for training. When i arrived there, i saw everyone starting to warm up. [They started 10 mins early] She started the training by scolding same people. Later we did some leaps and jumps. Yi Jing was angry with the coach by then.

After that we did our routines. Yi Jing wanted to do clubs but the coach wanted her to do ball. So Yi Jing did it with some grumbling. Agter awhile, coach started to scold Yi Jing then she got angry. I went to the 'toliet' then. [Yi Jing went down to buy drink.]When i came back, i saw coach talking on the phone and she was crying! Yi Jing came back and then coach saw her and told her to get out... So Yi Jing packed her stuff and then went home. As for the coach, she wore her shoes and took her bag and then went. The rest of us was just standing there.[Not really standing...] After the coach left, Krystal took charge. [Sort of]She asked us to continue training. So Shen Ru, Carina and i continued with our training. We did clubs. Everything was going well... Suddenly, i saw Shen Ru sitting on the floor and crying. [I think she hurt herself while doing.] The next moment, Teng came in and started shouting at us and told us to line up. We lined up and she started to tell us about her son, husband, st nic's and her life... She held us up for 30minutes! I cannot believe it. When she dismissed us, she looked at Shen Ru's ankle and then asked me to run down and get ice. So i went. I came up with the ice and she took the rope and tied it the ice to the ankle.. After awhile, i ipacked up my stuff and then i went home... I did not know what happened next. If you wish to know, ask Shen Ru or Carina. The were the last ones to leave the place...

So is it a bad day or what?

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ I am bored! ★
Friday, 15 June 2007

I am very bored! I want to go out! I can't this is stupid I am stuck at home! Help me! Talk to me! I am very bored! The only places i get to go is Kellock for training, home and my mum's office which i have nothing to do there! Help me! I am trap! I feel like i am going to die.

One more thing! If Grace you are reading this, STOP telling me how many days left until we need to go back to school! I am going crazy. I just want to enjoy it. [As if i can enjoy it with all my training. >__<]

Hey, i have this request, can everyone write down their birthday in my cbox? I might be able to give you people a present if i remember. I would be very happy if you guys do it!

And another thing, can you link me if you have not link me yet? Thanks!

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Teahouse Part 2 ★
Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Well, to continue the story...

After eating, we made our way to the teahouse. The teahouse is called 'The Tea Chapter'. There are two levels. We have to take out our shoes. We sat on the third level. [ The first level is the stair leading to the second floor. That is where the casheir is and there are 3 tables there for drinking of the tea.] My teacher started to order 3 pots of teas. When the tea came, she asked the person who brought the tea up to show us how to brew the tea. She brewed one pot first. After that, the person went away. After finishing that pot of tea, my teacher asked us to brew some tea. Each of us have to do it at least once. So we took turns...

While drinking the tea, we ate nuts. All of us ate 4 big baskets of the nuts... We are nut crazy and nutty! Haha! We also ordered side dishes like seaweed chicken. Their seaweed chicken is bigger than the one we have in our school. It was really tasty. Much better than out school's seaweed chicken. We also ordered ice-cream puff. It was delicious! It was great! Everyone ate one i think. Except for Sheryl who did not like Vallinia ice- cream because she did not like villinia. It was a pity for her. It was the greatest! ;) We also played a game. The game is 中机密码。[I think it is written like this... Hehe!] Well, for those who know this game, you know that at the end, there is suppose to be a punishment. And for this time, the punishment is.... Im not going to tell you people... Let you guess. Here are some hints:

1) We are at the teahouse.

2)What do teahouses have most?

3) What is left after we drink the tea?

With these clues, try and think what is the punishment. The people who recevie the punishment are Cassandra and Francesca. They have to eat the answer to the questions. We only played 2 rounds because Cassandra and Francesca wanted to do air brush... So after playing two rounds and finishing the nuts, side dishes and of course the tea, we went to watch Cassandra and Francesca do air brush.

We made our way from the tea house which is at Neil Road, opposite to Maxwell market [I thin it is spelt like that.. :P] to the muslim temple. [I think that was a muslim temple. Not too sure. The air brush was just next to the temple. The place is like a small night market. The air brush process is very quick. It is only less than 5 minutes. First you have to choose the design. Next pass the design to the lady who is in charge of the shop. She would then ask you where you would like to put the design. On your ankle or some other part of your body. [Please do not think dirty at this point. Thanks!] When done, do would baby powder on your design. [I DO NOT know what it is for so DO NOT ask me. Thanks! Maybe Francesca or Cassandra knows. Ask them... hehe!] The prices range from $5 to $15 if i am not wrong.

After that, we left Cassandra because she had to wait for her mother there. So the rest of us continued shopping. [Not really shopping. Just window shopping] Then we came to the MRT station. That is where we broke up. We went down to the platform and waited for the train. I was taking the opposite train from them. My train came first thus i waved goodbye to them and boarded my train.

So that is the end of my day. I hope you guys had a happy time reading my entry and maybe laughing.

P.S If you are still wondering what the punishment was, i will tell you now. You have to eat tea leaves as the punishment. The tea leaves were wet.

P.S.S Cassandra even ate the tea leaves with the chilly sauce that came with the seaweed chicken.

Haha! Thats all folks! Bye! See you in school and happy holidays! :)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Teahouse ★

I cannot believe it that i went to the teahouse... I thought it was going to be boring, but i guess i thought wrong.. It is actually quite fun... I didn't have to spend a cent![ Except for the train fare. ;)] Well, this is what happen.

First, i met my teacher and friends at Chinatown mrt station. Cassandra Q and Francesca were the first to reach there. When i was walking around, i saw Sheryl and she was calling Francesca. She told me that Francesca and Cassandra was downstairs. [The platform] Both Sheryl and I went downstairs. We walked around and then saw them. We went towards them and sat down and talked for awhile.

After awhile, we went back upstairs and got out. [I just spent 40 cents just doing that!] We went to the control station and sat there waiting for the others. We waited for awhile and then Elvina cames. We continued to talk. Next came, my teacher herself. She went to the nearest ATM which was in the MRT station. There was a long queue. So we ahve to wait. While waiting the two Desirees came. When my teacher came and joined us, we started walking towards a shop which sold deserts. [My teacher had not eaten thus, we went there and eat. We are not suppose to drink tea on an empty stomach.] We ate. Then we made our way to the teahouse.

To be continued... [Cheeky of me right? Haha!]

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Haiz! ★
Friday, 8 June 2007

I am super bored... Other than going for training, playing computer games and chatting with ends online, i have nothing to do this holiday. I know holidays are great better then school days.I dun know what to do... Can someone pls help me?! I am being bored to death.[ Not really to death, im still alive and talking and playing and everything.] I wish someone would invite me to go their house. Even though i have to go to that teahouse trip, i still think it is a bit dumb... I am bored enough already, dun make me even more bored! I hope that it would be fun... I heard that teahouse trips are really boring... I went to one in China, Beijing and it almost bored me to sleep! If it was not that there was tasting of tea, i would have fallen asleep... Can you imagine me sleeping with a cup of tea in my hands and that it is almost tipping over and could burn my hands and my leg if it tips over?

I couls see myself... I could really laugh at this one... Ok, i think i got to go, bye bye! I hope your holidays would be as nice as mine!

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Tired! ★

Im so tired! I have been training 3 times a week! And this Saturday, i need to go St nic's which im not very happy with! I want to stay at home and sleep! At least i know after my competitions in July i would be able to sleep as long as i want! I am really very tired! And guess what!? I need to go for training today again! OMG! Maybe, i would die of dehydrating or fautige... Or something else! I guess my life is really difficult! I have a story that keeps me going on! Let me tell it to you!

There was this thai guy who is very good at wind surfing. He even make it into the omlipics. He was in the competition and he was doing very well... He was actually in the second place. All he needs to do is to over take the first person and he would have gotten lots of money[ Not too sure how much. :P] . Sudenly he saw this Singaporean guy flip and he was in the water. Without thinking, he turned around and help the guy. The Singaporean was not even going to drown. He had a life vest on. He just flip. Even though the the thai just turned around and helped the Singaporean. And because of this, the thai did not get the money and did not win the competiton. The Singaporean might be richer than the thai and even so the thai just turned round and help another person who is competing with him for the money and glory.

This thai guy is reakky someone with sportsmanship. There are very little people like that now in the world. If everyone would just stop thinking only about themselves, the world would be better.

Ok, i would stop here. I hope everyone thinks about this story and reflect... For now, so long! Bye! Mucks! ;)

~raindrops are always falling on me~/ back to the top

★ Holidays... ★
Friday, 1 June 2007

Holidays are suppose to be nice but i guess for me they are not nice at all... I have no idea what to do... Everyday in my holiday life is the same... I go to my mother's office followed by doing some work and then setup the laptop and start to sign in to my msn and see who is online and start chatting to my friends. And if it is Tuesdays, Thursday or Fridays, i go back to school for training... This is sort of horrible... It is quite boring... I wish that my life would be better!

Anyway, yesterday was vesek day[Not sure if it is spelt like that.] . My family and i went out for a family day... Anyway, everyday is like a family day for my family and i. Hehe. Anyway, we went to the PC Show at Suntec City.. It was really crowded. I did not realise that it was that crowded! I almost died from shock! Haha! My aunt was with me at that time... We went there because of her... She wanted to buy a desktop... She bought one from acer... She bought it just to use it to play games! Haha! Well, my computers are used to play games anyway! She was sort of bargining at the show! It was a disgrace to me! Anyway, i dun really mind! She walked to 3 brands and she bought a desktop already! That was quick! If it was for me i would walk to all the brands and then make my choice! Hahah!

Now, i have to go now! BB I hope to hear some comments! [ I rarely do. No one comes to my blog! Haha] I bet some of you think it is boring right? Hehe! Ok gtg, bb!

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